Does herding behavior exist in chinese stock markets

Does herding behavior exist in chinese stock markets

Posted: dudelka Date: 04.07.2017

Now Live on Amazon. Get your Official JHK swag on Cafe Press. He infers from their garbled squabble that he is an orphan, found in a willow basket on the welcome mat outside their New York apartment. Thinking now that his parents are imposters, he steals away to Grand Central Station and buys a train ticket to Drakesville, Vermont, where he intends to start life all over again.

I imagine a lot of men and women running down the halls of Langley and the Pentagon and a hundred other secret operational redoubts with their hair on fire, wondering how on earth they can neutralize the fucker in the four days remaining. Bake a poison cheesecake for the inaugural lunch? CIA Chief John Brennan has been reduced to blowing raspberries at the incoming president. Maybe some code cowboys In the Utah NSA fortress can find a way to crash all the markets on Friday as an inauguration present.

What does it take? A few strategic HFT spoofs? There will be lots of police sharpshooters on the DC rooftops that day. What might go wrong? Civil War Two is underway, with an interesting echo of Civil War One: Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Who you gonna call? History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce, old Karl Marx observed. What does the Union stand for this time? The rights of former SEC employees to sell their services to CitiBank?

So the theme of the moment is that Donald Trump is a bigger crook than the servants and vassals of the Deep State. He ran for president so he could sell more steaks and whiskey under the Trump brand. Anyway, at this point in our history, nobody can beat the Deep State for financial turpitude, certainly not a single real estate and hotel magnate.

I guess the big question is whether the Deep State — and, yes, Virginia, the Deep State does exist, unlike Santa Claus — will tear the country apart in the attempt to defend all its ill-gotten perquisites and privileges.

Friday, if he survives the festivities. Find out why investors have used them since to acquire physical gold and silver, and request free information, by visiting: Published as an E-book for the first time!

The 20th Anniversary edition With an entertaining new introduction by the author. They were the seers of our age. Be careful what you wish for. So Trump packs his first news conference with cheering paid staffers to create the illusion that even the press corp. Just a taste of the Trump subterfuge yet to come. Oh you mean just like Hillary bussed in people to riot at Trump rallies and when she could barely fill the first rows of any venue she went to they used weird angles and unusual camera lenses to cover this fact up?

The American people would not stand for it and would literally go to war against anyone who is on the coup side. If anyone who thinks they can start a coup and get away with it then what they will really get is civil war 2. Love the title, Jim. Trump is right about one thing, CNN is Fake News. So It Is Written, So Shall It Be Done. Careful Of The Snipers. Cold, you should do your research better. It is practically in the Western textbooks on Color revolutions.

Blaming Putin for Maidan in Kiev is ridiculous, especially in view of the crew that came to power as a result of it. Very good rant this morning! Indeed, what does the Union stand for this time? Any thinking mind is reeling with all the possibilities of just WTF has really been going on behind the scenes for the past year. And what new plots might be planned for the coming months? When I read Ellroy — as a Texas boy who observed a lot of the violent s shenanigans up close — it read like alternate history.

Now history is apparently aping fiction. Maybe science fiction, considering what a pack of weirdos the Trumps all are. Somebody made an astute observation, by the way, about the hapless Melania: While Cheeto avoids windows and strangers are frisked before they can meet him perhaps Obama could pardon Leonard Peltier.

The recipients were all non-violent, low level drug offenders deserving of a second chance. In total, President Obama has pardoned 1, individuals since taking office; more than 50 times that of George W. Perhaps he should grant the pardons before they commit the offence. Not really progressive, but more a matter of how much money you have and your connections. We have two sets of laws, one for them, one for us. Trump carries a lot of baggage, but he is blessed by the good fortune of facing a deranged opposition.

A brother has Type 1 diabetes. The costs have gone beyond ridiculous if one does not have health insurance, which is simply hiring a gang of goons to deal with the pharmaceutical goons. Those without access to Canadian or Mexican pharmacies are in real financial trouble. Fortunately, my brother has a health plan. Lord help those peasants on the bottom. Here in Illinois our former crooked governor suggested that people be able to buy Canadian sourced pharma, and coincidently his transgressions became public knowledge and he was arrested.

Not a conspiracy but a remarkable coincidence. However the status quo cannot continue and change will come no matter what anyone says or does. My wife has had type 1 for almost 50 years. With our extended health plan that provdes dental, drugs, eye glasses etc. And Shotho, without is she dies. What, you think a type 1 dibatic can boil up a few herbs and be okay?

She contracted the disease at age 13 and has lived a very full and productive life. She is presently retired and in excellent health. I just heard her leave to go swimming. My brother is, in fact, all right, Paulo. He has a health plan. I cannot even begin to imagine what must happen to those people who lack one. I think even at the price of the new medicine that it is a good idea to take it in terms of restoring vitality and earning ability.

The issue is, these insulins have been around for 40 years or so. So there should be no Patent privilege on paying for them. Literally, your money or your life.

The unearned profit will wind up costing the pharma companies, big time. As I understand it, Trump supports importation of medicine from Canada. Of course, at the cost of come of them, I will drive my brother to Canada if needed to keep him healthy. And to all that, may I add: I am not a diabetic but I have severe arthritis and multiple spinal problems. That continued until I got on Medicare and the drug was pulled from the market.

Congress refuses to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices and it just refused to allow Canadian drugs back into the U. I thought single payer eliminated the insurance middle men?? Also, coverage is based on province of residence. I have an Ontario Health card but not a card from Nova Scotia.

Each province makes its own decisions about administration. Sometimes levels of coverage change as well. For example, until a few years ago here in Ontario a visit to my eye doctor was free. Now, I have to pay at the point of service. Visits to a general practitioner are still free at the point of service, though.

If they want to make money, they have to provide a meaningful benefit that makes them worth paying for, rather than being an all-encompassing extortion racket. I lament the passing of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus after years. Entertainment for a different time and civilization. On the other hand the whole world, with Washington D. Trump is perfect as the rIngmaster, complete in red tails, black pants with side stripe, black boots and top hat.

Speaking of sideshow specials: Making money off the beaten backs of caged, chained animals sucks.

does herding behavior exist in chinese stock markets

Imagine what stronger threats it takes to get a wild cat to run toward fire, and jump through a flaming hoop. Cirque du Soleil is much preferable—artistic rather than sad and seedy, and everybody in it is there by their own choice. Watching weird ways humans can bend themselves is better entertainment, anyway. Very well said, sir! Only the barbarians among us, and their numbers are legion, will miss the brutalizing of animals. Do you remember, as a child, the old cartoons on TV?

Regarding Bikers Vs Snowflakes…saw THAT up close and personal when a small group of Hells Angels waded into a moderate sized group in front of the Administration Bldg at San Jose State, in …anti-war protestors whaled upon with pipes and bats.

Forgetest thou the Snake which fought to save the human soul? Did He not offer you Knowledge? Consider then then the Law of the Conservation of Evil. Do you really think Sooty would not enjoy seeing White Men tortured in the Coliseum?

Or Shotho not enjoy throwing balls at their heads? And what of you? What cruelties have you repented of?

And with what have you replaced them? I do not deny reform, but simply state that it is almost always a lateral change. True Goodness is rare. And rarer still is a true transformation into the Light, the Light which I Am. Janos, Never reform, but rather an avoidance. Repentance in the form of humanistic regard. With tears in my eyes I can weep for the human condition, and will try to mitigate the most harmful of my habits and thought, but will not accept a paradigm change that would deny reality.

True Goodness is not an option, nor is The Light.

But we are not going to miss the continued brutalization of Humans. No that will continue. A show which the object will be exploitation, abuse and laffs, and not for paying customers rubes on a midway or under the big top, nope — but from the robots and computers that m N is busily setting over himself.

But seriously, welcome to the club. The rest of the Rep party is a purified death cult going for rampant privatization of all things public to make every aspect of this country into a profit center because the rich can never be too rich or too thin—that is in numbers. Washington works for the Heritage Foundation, The Cato Institute, all organs of the Koch Brothers and extreme austerity ideology while promoting that the rich can all live beyond law.

I like the idea of healthcare coops, too. As long as doctors are being paid by the insurance goons to play along, a healthcare coop may not fly. You really think doctors enjoy dealing with insurance goons?

Google is your friend. Fee-for-Service FFS Plans non-PPO A traditional type of insurance in which the health plan will either pay the medical provider directly or reimburse you after you have filed an insurance claim for each covered medical expense.

When you need medical attention, you visit the doctor or hospital of your choice. This approach may be more expensive for you and require extra paperwork. Fee-for-Service FFS Plans with a Preferred Provider Organization PPO An FFS option that allows you to see medical providers who reduce their charges to the plan; you pay less money out-of-pocket when you use a PPO provider. However, going to a PPO hospital does not guarantee PPO benefits for all services received within that hospital.

For instance, lab work and radiology services from independent practitioners within the hospital may not be covered by the PPO agreement. Most networks are quite wide, but they may not have all the doctors or hospitals you want. This approach usually will save you money. Generally enrolling in a FFS plan does not guarantee that a PPO will be available in your area. PPOs have a stronger presence in some regions than others, and in areas where there are regional PPOs, the non-PPO benefit is the standard benefit.

The only other option besides a PPO is a neighborhood clinic. Kunstler referred to this old fashioned localized basic healthcare as the way to go and has already been implemented in my county because they opted out of obamacare. Half are private emergency clinics competing with charity hospitals that are overrun with poor immigrants after 5pm.

Legitimate billings are routinely denied multiple times before grudgingly approved all of which requires additional employees to process the papers and keep track of the tortuous appeal process. Care is denied at the whim of a disembodied phone voice in a call center sitting in front of a checklist rather than sitting in front of the patient.

None of this advances the cause of health — it merely increases the cost by layering in additional levels of bloat and bureaucracy. The Affordable Care Act is a dog with fleas precisely because of what Obama gave away before the negotiations even started. Medicare for all or a Single Payer option were taken off the table before negotiations even began. Leave it in the hands of the for-profit industry and this is what you get.

Private insurance is beholden more to its shareholders than its subscribers. They make their money by taking in more than they disburse, so denials are essentially revenue enhancing strategies. A third is routinely raked off the top to pay for teakwood paneling in the executive suites and shareholder dividends.

But JHK is right in referring to the medical field as overstuffed and inefficient. The World Bank estimates health care in this country comprises This is not sustainable. Call it enlightened self-interest. It all boggles the mind. Just imagine all the rail, transit, clean energy, and other kinds of sustainable development that could be achieved if those wasted resources were freed up, to say nothing of the millions of people who are deprived of coverage.

Rare agreement with you. But what about the long waiting times in the Canadian System? True or just American propaganda? I assume wealthy Canadians have private options in any case.

Wait times are real, and sometimes frustrating. In all seriousness, Janos, there are enough reasons why single-payer is a better system that you and I could agree on at least one or two of them even while disagreeing on others. Some people are concerned with compassion for those left behind, others with costs that are completely out of control. Right now I see America being ripped apart between haves and have-nots with health care being a big part of the problem.

I worked in healthcare for twenty-five years. I talked with hundreds of doctors. Besides being a bunch of smug, self-serving pricks, most of them were into their sailboats, golf memberships, big houses, trophy wives, tax-deferred annuities, German cars and lavish vacations.

The younger ones were also leveraged up to their eyeballs in student loan debt, so they were especially avaricious. As for me, still with the starter wife and plan on finishing with herno sailboat, never golfed in my life, a house with a factory worker living next door and K still on the mortgagea two year old Ford Fusion and 2 weeks a year max on vacation. And before applying to medical school, I worked for six years and every penny of tuition and expenses came out of my personal savings.

People abused like this feel a cultic kinship with other survivors — and feel entitled to everything. They enjoy mocking their patients during surgery — as some have awoken to hear. Medical schools make more money with a quicker churn. US medical schools are hell. Cramming and nonstop reading for 2 years and then off to indenture with a program at a hospital for a year. Look at the people documented being mocked.

Slobs that seldom took initiative to care for their health. Kids used to be called fat. Society had corrective procedures to ensure member conformity. Ties right in with Dr. The ACA is a huge fraud designed to keep the insurance companies bottoms and bottom lines nice and fat.

Something had to be DONE keep the racket going! We might be surprised at a few good outcomes, rather than all these disasters that the mouthpieces of the Deep State are braying through the Grand Wurlitzer. Young cadres performed miracles with a few acupuncture needles, herbs, and a rusty scapel.

Do you have the balls to operate on people, just looking at the picture in the book? Why not — if you are their only hope? I suggest they sea kelp. Coops would be great, if we removed the barriers in their way. Health insurance should be simple — a voluntary group of people where each pays the average of all their medical expenses, so no one gets hit too hard from an unexpected illness or accident.

Labor and money are wasted negotiating prices and building networks, and things becomes too convoluted and opaque for effective competition. All the doctor needs to see is plain old fungible money, whatever path it took to reach his hands. Example — My Obamacare plan screwed up my insurance and disenrolled me recently.

Should we really need to change our insurance every time we change our zip code? All the ENT was going to do was talk to me for 10 minutes and peer down my throat. But if I started a coop today, it would have to pay the full price, unless it started going around negotiating, which would involve hiring more staff and wasting money, and it would have to build up a large client base to have real leverage.

Is Trump going to simplify things and get rid of these barriers? People who like single payer government health care should take a good hard look at what happens in the VA system. I am a patient in it, and have found that most of the front line people are superb, but they are hamstrung due to the senior management and the general DoD syndrome of preferring weapon systems to human beings.

This results in long waits for care, while new furniture is installed, and sculptures placed. My friends who have lived in and visited France are impressed with their system, but good luck getting anything like that through our wall of lobbyists. Disappearings of bureaucrats can help them arrange a better order of priorities.

Their victims have the skills, after all. It was all quite glib and civilized until the third glass of wine and the subject of politics reared its engorged orange head. Three liberals — including myself — came out of the closet and confessed to having voted for The Donald. All hell broke loose! I hope he can change this situation and he should get our support to see if he can. The Czech author Milan Kundera contrasts kitsch with vulgarity.

According to him, Camus was envied and despised by the Parisian intellectuals. He bore the marks on his person: He is a peasant in his Sunday best, gloves in hand, hat still upon his head, entering the salon for the first time.

The others turn away: Not only did he not know what he should think he did not praise progress and sympathized with the Algerian French but he behaved badly in the salons: Beginners mind is open to everything.

The expert may know a lot but cannot learn anything new. And creation is always new. He also loved football. Trump is the child that you can count on to play with matches. He is the perfect choice for the job of setting fire to the rotten structures of power that have usurped our rights and our money. Any shenanigans by the deep state to harm the President is treason! All Federal government employees civilian and military take the oath of office to defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Treason is one of the few crimes listed in the Constitution and one that should not be taken lightly. The lower rank Federal Employees have a duty to the Constitution and not their bosses.

Pick your side carefully. I have already made my choice. This nonsense about Russia hacking the election is all bullshit. At best, the Russians pulled the veil of secrecy back on the DNC and exposed their rotten operation and corruption. The deep state is not pissed about Russia hacking us, they are pissed that the Russians revealed what the American populous has suspected all along.

The bonus to all of this was watching the election results roll in shortly after midnight on Wednesday, November 9, I was fully expecting to see a CNN or MSNBC anchor shove a snub nosed. The cries of torment and anguish of the SJW lifted my spirits.

I walked on cloud 9 for many weeks after that memorable night. Fuck the racketeering and crony capitalism. I welcome the era of the elites turning on each other. So is conspiring with a foreign power to fix an election, come to think of it. This treason will never prosper since, as we all know, if it prosper then none dare call it treason.

Someone pass the popcorn. And please try to keep the high explosives on your side of the 49th parallel, all right? Some of us are trying to enjoy our universal health care. The main suspicion is one or more disgruntled entities on the inside of the DNC who were angered at the marginalization of The Bernie. But in the context of this election season, which saw awesome publishing excesses on all sides, Corn showed restraint.

They left out the smarmy details, however. The slipshod way that all of this has been whipped up into media frenzy may end up undermining a more sober effort to get to the truth of the situation. My read is this: I have a sneaking suspicion that Hillary will be performing oral sex on her foundation donors some of them foreign politicians to pay back the money that she took from them in her pay for play schemes. She was sure to win with the media cheer leading her accent to power.

She failed to win the election and I am sure that there is hell to be paid for her epic failure. Her screams of torment will at least be muffled as she gags on the dicks of the banksters and Sunni leaders of the KSA. Pretty weak; assertions are not facts, regardless of what the 3-letter agencies would like you to believe.

This is a crisis of confidence. When the Great Someday when enough shit has hit the fan, you may develop enough cynicism to finally see these bastards for what they really are… just as JHK has described them.

The only people in any position to clarify this miasma are all interested parties pursuing their interests. I did not realize that this was your safe place. Fell free to ignore the world and the truth about the sociopath elites. Trump is no better than Hillary or the other assholes out there. The only redeeming quality about him is that he will turn on the sociopaths around him and ignore the small fry that make up his army of deplorables. You are right that my speech is hateful.

I can at least give valid reasons why it is full of hate. Obama has spent the last 8 years on his knees for the banksters and the same Sunni leadership in KSA. Lips and assholes have no gender and it matters not what the sex of the person is in the service to these evil people. And you were writing about Hillary Clinton. I read how you express yourself and, loath as I am to admit it, they have a point.

What you wrote is disgusting and indefensible. You should be goddamn well ashamed of yourself. Whoever uncovered the crimes of our oppressors should be thanked. Pointing out wickedness in high places gets no praise from collaborators. It would hardly be in their interests to validate or authenticate those e-mails, would it?

Look up DKIM Verification. The emails are cryptographically signed and not falsifiable. All the noise is to keep the actual facts out of the picture. Yes, the Liberal Tribe filled Times Square to celebrate — and towards the end the Silence was deafening. They thought that this election would secure their Victory over America forever as Hillary would Merkel us brown.

The Hero saved us in the 11th hour. Now we must do our part and crush them. Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution provides for the removal of the President from Office for impeachment and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Unfortunately that would leave us with Pence, who is much worse. What I see shaping up now is a straightforward power struggle between state power and money power. Until recently, the money power has been by and large content to act indirectly, using incentives donations, cushy lobbying jobs after leaving office and the occasional disincentive e.

Mom and dad are fighting. It remains to be seen how much china gets broken before the cops get called in. Perhaps I have been misled but I thought the billionaires were all aligned against Trump, along with the almost-billionaire class populating Hollywood.

Very crafty planning indeed. Maybe someone should tote up the net worth of the cabinet and compare with the net worth of the cool billionaires plus the almost-billionaire class.

If the uncool billionaires win then you win. Now how cool is that? Stick to health care. Personally I think health care, like breathing clean air, is a fundamental human right.

I leave the details to the experts. My guess is a coffee laced with polonium. He already seems to suffer from dementia and narcicissm. And the Plutocracy is part of the Globalist Elite. In Globalist terms, the State power may match the money power more equitably, not sure. But in any case, Trump is upsetting the marriage. Trump is the apotheosis of racism. Now we have to hear his plans, and there are no plans.

America will find out the presidency has no real power. Our country is a corporation now. But — I forgot — Blacks by definition cannot be racist.

Why is Trump not the apotheosis of racism? Because there are black racists? Do you have proof such videos exist? Black Lives Matter is a nonviolent organization. If you know of a video, what is the link? Any Black person on a video advocating violence is not part of Black Lives Matter.

The Black Lives Matter movement does not hate white people. However, those white people who continue to mischaracterize the affirmation of the value of black life as being anti-white are suggesting that in order for white lives to matter, black lives cannot. That is a foundational premise of white supremacy. Where does he say anything against Blacks or anyone else?

But then again, Liberalism has become ridiculous so you have lots of company. And no, Janos, I would not enjoy seeing white men savaged in the Coliseum. Keep your fantasies to yourself, please. It not only can be worse, it most assuredly will be. It can always be worse than it already is and many times, especially lately, you can count on it.

This time is no different. I am one of the 18, VTers who wrote in the name Bernie Sanders. I remember tomatoes flying.

I am enjoying it all. Both I and my 19 year old daughter wanted to vote for Sanders. She volunteered for his campaign. Who deprived us of the opportunity to vote for him? He was going to be given some elevated position in a Hillary administration for his obedience and proven loyalty.

Certain breeds of dog were developed to kill wolves. Civilization often produced better warriors than the barbarians. Of course, if they go rogue, they are then worse. I think Bernie was in it to lose it, as when he made his grotesque emails comment. But then he got excited by the response — and he was a young man again with all his idealism and possibility. He looked like a man in hell at the convention when he had to let all that go. But he was paid off and now they owe him a favor to boot.

Bernie got a pretty swanky lake house out of the deal up on Lake Champlain … I mean S-W-A-N-K-Y! A Trump administration condemns us to a path toward the Sixth Extinction. The climate operates on a time delay.

When carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, it takes decades—in a technical sense, millennia—for the earth to equilibrate. She travels to the places around the world where the climate of tomorrow is visible today. She has watched glaciers melting, and seen species dying. And she is able to convey both the science and the cost with a rare lucidity.

Talking with Kolbert left me with an unnerving thought. We look back on past eras in human history and judge them morally failed. But if the science is right, and we do unto our descendants what the data says we are doing to them, we will be judged monsters.

And it will be all the worse because we knew what we were doing and we knew how to stop, but we decided it forex trading broker vergleich easier to disbelieve the science or ignore the consequences.

Kolbert and I talk about the consequences, but also about what would be necessary to stabilize the climate and back off the mass extinction event that is currently underway. We talk about whether hope remains a realistic emotion when it comes to our environmental future. Kindergartener Carolina Gonzalez is helped by how to make money with worm farming sister Karina Perez… Los Angeles Times.

For environmentalists, population has long been a problem. Stock market return calculator excel Argument for Smaller Families. And many of us, I think, long viewed immigration through the lens of population; it was another part of the math problem.

More Americans would mean more people making use of the same piece of land, a piece that was already pretty hard-used. If the native population refuses to increase, the ownership class will fire them and bring in a new population to increase demand for things the ownership class already owns.

Broaden the base of the Pyramid, and you go higher! They just want more customers. They can bleed off some of their overpopulation thus never having to adjust their culture.

Only when they will be forced to feel the pain of their overpopulation will they perhaps change. Same can be said for India, or China. Places already swarming with billions in what stock did warren buffett just buy 9.3 million of devastated regions of the planet want unfettered ability to bleed their superfluous populations across the Earth.

Do you have a clothesline? Do you do your laundry by hand, with a washboard? The interview with Elizabeth Kolbert addresses that.

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Nuclear Fusion is pie in the sky. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K forex factory session indicator sure. Top most trusted binary options brokers in usa, he says, even if you cannot afford it, you will have it.

No word so far on VW. I never expected that I would agree with anything the Orangeman said, but there you are… two in one day! I could go on. You miss the point. JHKs posts about betfair trading tennis strategy deep state are amazing. Yeah he just blandly and blithely said that his presidency had no major scandals — which is a grotesque lie.

He had the gun running, the race baiting, Benghazi, using the IRS against his enemies, etc — all of which are bigger than Watergate. The Media is covering for him, Barb. Just like they did for the JFK. Is this the best that you can do? The American people disagree with you. Obama leaves office with one of the highest approval ratings ever. In contrast to a large litany of Republican scandals- everything from the sexually perverse to financial-Obama is a saint. Watergate brought down a president, so by definition none of them are bigger than Watergate.

What happens and what should happen are two different things. That you see the latter as less than the former shows your complete distortion and lack of compassion. I do believe that Trump does have a workable healthcare plan for the Nation — without one his re-industrialization is impossible.

Hell, build it out of pallets of hundred-dollar bills for all I care. For love of country and freedom and God, or something. We hold these truths. We grab these truths by the groin. You have the mandate. So crank this circus to eleven. Unleash two years of absolute carnage.

Deregulate and destabilize and destroy. Show us the true face of unchecked greed. Burn this sucker to the ground. That is actually funny. Seriously, it has all the signs of mass delusion: Oh yes, and ex-Irish President Mary Robinson has now taken up the cause. It also fits snugly in with the ragbag of other pc fantasies. I have engaged in a number of online arguments with condescending warmists on YouTube. When all else fails which it always does they usually resort to asking me whether I am a indicator for binary option thinkorswim scientist and what scientific papers I have published.

What, I asked, about Judith Curry? He literally just brushed past her in the crowd. Again, looking at the great Pumpkin about to take charge, I wonder whether this is his plan… reducto ad absurdum. Otherwise his entire candidacy and campaign are a mystery. Tragic foolishness from a fool. We conquered this country with a Bible in one hand a rifle in the other. You were lied to. The former group has nothing to worry about, the Republican wing of the uniparty is busy trying to save Obamacare before someone can get in there who might actual try to reform Big Medicine.

I also notice people like for instance Nancy Pelosi, were curiously silent when it was becoming evident just how bad Big Pharma was acting up.

She chose instead to talk about trannies. Why talk all around the pound gorilla? For the last eight years Democrats have provided us with circuses of the sexually confused and strange, to divert our attention from their rapacity. Caitlyn Jenner uber alles! All Trannies are brothers so to speak beneath the skin. If monopoly make money in jail reject gender, is mere party affiliation going to get in their way?

They view Cait as damaged goods, a dinosaur whose mind was destroyed by the system. The American public really, really, really sucks at mathematics and it is proven by the fact that when school systems look to hire math teachers they have markets stocks traded converge new global evidence go to India or China to find them.

If Americans actually were able to understand math they would know that what is being done to them for the privilege of carrying a plastic card in their wallets is theft, pure and simple. This means mathematically, that 40 American families had to work and pay premiums for one year without collecting any benefits themselves in order to pay for this. When you consider how many heart attacks and other very expensive medical operations and procedures Dirty Dick has had over the course of his lifetime, well there is a long train of tired workers that strive hard for decades just to keep that one man alive.

When you consider how many elite clowns there are in government and at the tops of every business in the country that are all in the Cadillac Plan stratosphere, PLUS the indigents at the bottom, how can this system still be alive?

In the what are binary trades, this cannot go on much longer and as you all pay more and more for your plastic cards and get less and less for it, the only option you have is to STFU and keep paying.

The idea that people should just pay their own way for health care is superficially attractive but completely unworkable in practice. Put privatized insurance together with unlimited demand and you have the U.

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Therefore the most sensible insurance pool is a single pool that includes everyone. That insurance pool can then keep a lid on costs and direct resources where they will do the most good. At least under a single-payer system everyone gets covered, without perverse incentives and rampant profiteering, cream-skimming and extraction, waste, fraud and abuse. They discount the potentials, acts of God or whatever and they have a guarantee that they will rake in far more than they will pay out.

Additionally, there are very few lawsuits against life insurance, unlike malpractice. Everyone get covered you say? Some get real, total and the state of the art treatment at the top of the food chain. The average Joe gets crap. However, there is a lot of detail hiding behind that single number, best ever forex 5m strategy also says nothing about the gargantuan levels of waste, fraud and abuse in the U.

At some point, decisions will likely have to be made in the wealthy countries in order to bring spending in line with available resources, but to declare health care as uninsurable is going too far, I think. You can take it from me, a real, living, breathing, flesh-and-blood person who has lived with the real-world results of single-payer health care: If you assume nothing better is possible, you are choosing failure. Please read the following, from a Canadian federal government report on health care reform in Canada:.

The five national principles of the Act are:. This principle says nothing about the ownership structure of a health service delivery institution. All Canadians really do receive health care insurance universality that is comprehensive, accessible and portable. The real problem in the U. And a lot require massive amounts and constant medical attention binary options $100 deposit of whom are no longer on not able to contribute in any way to paying for the cost of such treatments.

I have known a few year olds that had hip or knee replacements only to die shortly thereafter, usually from pneumonia contracted while in the hospital. Actually, the only way to solve this problem is to eliminate health insurance altogether and let the market determine the prices that are willing to be paid for services.

Of course in this scenario only those who can afford to pay will be saved and the healthy of course will no longer be forced to carry the unhealthy or the players of the system to get free shit. I do believe that this is how the world operated for thousands of years, did it not? I am make money battle pets suggesting this as an answer of course, for there IS no answer other than total collapse.

Elrond — in reply to your last comment below I freely admit that first of all I know nothing of how your system works in Canada, but I am happy for you folks that get to enjoy that, I really am, and was not insinuating that health care cannot exist in other countries, just not here.

Our masters have become far too addicted to opulence and exorbitant lifestyles to prevent this kind of bad behavior, hence we Americans are screwed. Christianity demands that you give one tenth of your income to charity AND that you take care of your own sick, elderly, and retarded. Count me in as an Enemy of Christian Civilization.

Gloriously in fact, compared to everyone else. White Men gave you everything you ever had, have, or will have — including your face, skin, and body. You are the most privileged women in human history — and you hate us for it and spit in our face. And working full time is just the beginning. Janos will be taking credit for the very air in your lungs next, if you let him.

Yes, healthcare and health insurance are frequently conflated because they are interrelated but distinct issues. The cost of healthcare doctors, medicines, hospitals, and tests drives the cost of health insurance but only up. It is a mistake to assume that if healthcare costs came down that insurance would also come stock option cliff. But more to the point, the availability of health insurance forex kb affects the cost of healthcare.

That fraud has to stop. The procedure should be same regardless of whether you have insurance or not. Whether we choose to adopt universal healthcare along the Canadian model or stay with a free market system the discussion must change to fairness, transparency and compassion. The system now is being gamed by the pharmacy companies, providers who demand higher reimbursement and the insurance industry who demand higher premiums and lower pay outs.

The result is that people can neither afford insurance, drug costs or medical care on their own. Those below the poverty line us the ER to manage illnesses like diabetes because they cannot be turned down.

Even if they have health insurance the copays and deductibles are unmanageable by most. I generally believe in free markets, but in this case I think universal healthcare will work best and reduce the overhead costs to providers so they can focus on providing care. My belief is that adequate and affordable healthcare for all is integral to a thriving and growing economy regardless of how it is organized.

Forget about Ringling Bros shutting down. There is a much bigger circus about to replace it. There is no better, appropriate time than now, to ponder the wisdom of naming this blog Clusterfuck Nation. JHK has his finger on the pulse of the country. Time to sit down with a bowl of popcorn, a beer, and maybe a rifle, and prepare for the madness to come.

I wonder if projection soothes the pain of the doom addiction. It does get better. Survival stress and wild niche fluctuations are already happening. Under Obama all we did is help reinvent the plantation in the form of bigger government.

In particular, unlike Obama, Trump will actually be subject to real scrutiny and criticism. Stock market game vocabulary need a different voting system so other parties would have more of a chance.

Giving people this reassurance might enable a smaller party to actually get enough votes to win. What was the name of that Black Woman who wrote about baseball being White ethnomasochism?

Smashing White balls with a eur gbp exchange rate bloomberg bat? You are on fire this morning. You remind me of the young uneducated ploughboy Thoreau used to seek out because he had an original mind. You could consider them a number of factions… at odds with or at least bumping into each other. There is some disruption going on possibly and some of them may be getting shaken up, yet, the position of POTUS is not a very effective or causative one in the scheme of things.

But who knows, this may be the beginning of a shift. This populous movement may die off with a whimper or it might be the slowing down of arbitrage in binary option 3 perm pendulum as it reaches its nadir and prepares to swing back in the opposite direction… goodbye public sector and hello private charles schwab futures trading the beginning of the erosion of power, authoritarian institutions and government at large.

Evil beings move into positions of power and heads of state heights. A depraved group such as the CIA, and their actions—incredibly evil, diabolical and corrupt—would make a social personality shudder in horror and fill them with fear and disgust.

This is planet Earth. There is not one country on this floating lunatic asylum of a planet that possesses a benevolent leader. The animalistic mind rules: A being creates something and then another being comes along and tears it down. In a nutshell, that is the story of humanity and of this prison planet. Could you imagine a world of leaders and activists that were free of this animalism?

That had the actual goals of the greatest good for their country; improvement of conditions; prosperity; liberty and freedom; intellectual, philosophical and scientific growth; cooperation with other countries in trade, science, innovation, etc. Thus the destruction of Europe is touted as social justice for refugees. The Chimp made her special. Her kids were just kids. Unlike White Liberals, the two kids were normal and realized she was basically a strange monster.

I find myself viewing it as another case of the systems of man setting the scene for enhancing an attempt to execute another that would challenge the status quo rather than prevent one.

How hard would it be to plop an execution team or two into the rooftop mix. Afterwards they can blame it on the Russians or use it as an excuse to disarm the American population, a wet dream of more than just a few of the sellout scum in power today.

Perhaps we think to much, but after decades of being lied to, cheated and screwed by our wealthy masters, who could blame us? Odds are probably best that they will crash the system on Mr. Trump and prep Hilary for a run again in All this of course is a lot like watching a sporting event with a very long display of pre-game hype.

The people will pay and the wealthy will play. We shall have to work even harder so that they do forex steam settings have to work at all. This time it may very well bring down the entire species. Canada is the USA. Beware the ides of March. Like I said Canada is just another USA without the neo-con nation-building foreign policy.

Those pesky IRS audits are preventing him from sharing that information with us…. I have had several confrontations with the US insurance medicine. I had a renal colic. Probably the largest hospital in New York, a whole city in itself.

There come all with and without insurance, and help is provided to all. But what kind of help, that is the question?! Some patients are immediately taken to see a doctor, others are left lying in the waiting room, waiting for one.

To what extent it depends on the insurance is hard to say. I did not have any and I was left in the waiting room. The pain was such that I could not even moan and just rattled. The nurse took the blood pressure and something else, and left me rattling. No one has given me a painkiller or spasmolytic. Later I had a colic with insurance and spasmolytic I got in 15 minutes. Admittedly this was in a Catholic hospital, and I was later told that the Jesuits are helping everyone, including those without the insurance.

But New York is very large and there are very few Jesuits. In general, I was lying in Columbia for about 3 hours how much money can be made selling avon moaning people until the stone just popped itself out.

When the pain was gone, I came how does boingboing make money of the washroom and began to seek the way out, but I was not released, and after my explanation, seized and dragged to the x-ray and other diagnostics. After that I got billed for 7 thousand dollars, which I did not have. In general, my credit history, which I painstakingly built over the last 3 years, went down the toilet along with the kidney stone.

And credit history is also an opportunity to get a job because employers check it on the computer and are discriminating against it in full, even though it is prohibited by karachi stock exchange shares rates. And people like me almost half of the country. In any case, the vast majority of Russians I know. For example I was then on the results of diagnostics offered surgery to extract a fairly large stone, but my request to split the stone with ultrasound was denied because surgery is covered by the financing of the emergency care, but not ultrasound.

I would imagine they dragged you in for X-rays and other diagnostics largely for liability reasons. If they had let you go and there turned out to be something else wrong, they would have been open to a malpractice suit. As for your being refused ultrasound, welcome to the vagaries of private insurance. Over ten years ago, I was developing serious problems with sleep apnea. I would wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath in a panic; come morning, I would feel as if someone had been sitting on my chest.

I spoke to my doctor, got referred to a specialist, and in due course went to the local hospital for septoplasty fix up my nasal septum, the divider between the nostrils and sub-mucosal diathermy they use a zapper to burn out some of the soft tissue and open up the sinuses.

Not fun but my breathing and sleep improved immeasurably thereafter, and I never, ever saw a bill. The surgery made perfect sense as a way to prevent my returning with much more serious heart problems later does herding behavior exist in chinese stock markets. Everybody wins with single payer. SInce then 13 hypocritical democrats pulled this:. Not one bad word came from him about Trump, advising us not to underestimate the man, he DID win the presidency.

He blandly and blithely said that his Presidency was great with no scandals. People want to believe that balderdash so they do. We are taught to resist hatred, but not to resist irrational love. Obama is someone to be hated on rational grounds. Sent from the New Republic. It is mainly the province of posturing civil servants and turgid militias, using every macho dodge to hide the fearful atmosphere they dwell in.

Bluster and cant, with the occasional wet work to justify the longed for perks and pensions, seems to prevail. It resembles a malignant mushroom colony; all gnarled roots, coddled and rarified earth and the occasional toadstool popping above ground to look for apostasy; maybe treason.

These are the servants of the international banking cabal intent on how to practice buying and selling stocks worldwide hegemony and thwarting any attempt to weaken the dollar as reserve currency. Similar covert groups operate in Europe and on other continents, operar no mercado forex they have been suppressed in Russia and China which are perpetual targets of the cabal.

Trump that you explicate, versus your legendary utilization of Cheeze Doodles which is made by the Wise Company. Both products leave an astonishing orange crumby crummy? A favorite fun-food with children of all ages. All this lead to the fact that millions of people after the first bone fracture drop out from the unitedhealth group stock option scandal labor force, those who pay taxes, but enjoy social guarantees, whose relationship with employers is regulated by the state.

That immediately leads not only to their move to the shadow, bankruptcy and bad bank debts, but also foreign exchange rates anz calculator the rise in the cost of the labor force, which remains in the system.

The fact that only employees of large corporations in the US can buy full insurance, rather the law obliges the employer to buy insurance to an employee who had worked for more than 6 months. Thus the cost of insurance directly affects the cost of labor, and as a result the American workers can not compete not only with a billion Chinese, but also with the millions in developing countries. Moreover, jobs have become a victim of this process known as outsourcing, is usually connected with the sphere of material production, requiring medium to high skills and substantial training in the workplace.

The dimensions of the American public financing of the health system and related insurance business are 3 times higher than the US military budget and are 20 percent of the entire US budget. Despite this level of funding half the population lives in the Stone Age and goes to traditional healers and gathers herbs in the garden. And immigrant doctors who did not confirm their qualification, according to the law can not even advise their relatives, under threat of imprisonment.

That meant war, punitive expeditions and other humanitarian roblox robux generator 2016 no download no survey as a means to maintain the corresponding status stock market monthly performance graph the United States as only engaged in global management of the real economy.

Louis plant closed for its minivans and the Chrysler Pacifica. A significant reason why is the significant cost advantage for health care for Canadian workers. A single worker in Windsor costs the corporation thousands of dollars less per year in health care insurance costs than his counterpart in nearby Detroit. Good point and good system.

Of course you get bored and ruin it by wanting to share with the whole world — which is impossible since it will simply drag you down to the level of Somalia. Fallen humanity is unable to enjoy good fortune. You and your kind are the proof of it. No one wants a failed state on their border. I mean the Third World obsession: We do everything right in Iowa.

Except maybe the Democrat Presidential Caucuses, which are not democratic; deny us the secret ballot; and are highly dysfunctional an exercise in chaos ; and a few other things. Gotta get back to my paid work. Like that somehow makes you savvy, in the know, or somehow superior to other mere mortal peons.

When the not so far off time comes where mutual support and encouragement will be far more meaningful and alpha financial markets jersey than hurling insults, good luck with the negative ranting.

But with the Wall Street boodle boys unpunished and still in charge, perpetuation of war and other compromises to numerous to count, I voted 3rd party in And again inbecause Hillary Clinton was basically Obama redux — the sort of candidate sbm forex mu stodgy GOP grandfather would have been delighted to vote for in — pro-big business, internationally interventionist and guaranteed to diligently serve the corporocracy.

To call her or Obama for that matter or her supporters leftist demonstrates a complete lack of familiarity with the concept. Trump is going to be a trainwreck. But there are aspects of him I approve of. What the hell do we need 17 separate intelligence agencies for? Brinkmanship with Russia, a country that still has thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at us, enriches only the Neo-cons and armament manufacturers. Shitty trade deals like the TPP deserve to die.

But I agree that sitting down with a cup of coffee and friends would be a nice way who trades forex for a living watch the unraveling……. The hatred on the Right pales before that of the Left — which preceded it and is the cause of it. We would be willing to secede — but you would never let us go.

You dream of foisting your ideals on us and everyone else. The beasts are those who have now politicized going to the bathroom, right wingers trying to pass laws to restrict freedom to choose where to pee. Lot of those guys in dresses in the Catholic Church. They even have great hats. Jim, Your comments about the work from home jobs fort mill sc of the president-elect to a coup from the Deep State are sobering.

How should President Trump respond …. I seem to recall that a previous president of this great nation of ours signed an executive order giving the president the right to arrest and detain citizens indefinitely without cause. Should our newly elected resident fail to repeal that particular E. Imagine how the press would react to that? Ah, well, now that I think about it some more, forget it. Too much like Nazi Germany.

Sets a bad precedent, to use this power so openly. No need to employ anything illegal. Just have Congress to declare war on ISIS and apply Trading With Enemy Dubai gold souk opening hours of — the FDR tool of choice in dealing with American Nazi collaborators.

I think happened back in September. Even out here in flyover territory, the Pony Express reliably delivers the mail every other week or so, the occasional Indian er, I mean Native American attacks and cattle stampedes notwithstanding. However, had Madame Clinton acquired the necessary electoral votes, I think it would have been rammed down our gullets, even if the Europeans broke ranks several months earlier.

Once safely in power, do you think she was stock market day trading for dummies to bite the hand that feeds? They opted to blow it up. The problem is that Trump, like Obama, actually believes people wanted them beyond the symbolism. This is what happens in a land of economic migrants.

Feelings are mixed of course, but the Deep State shrugs nervously, saying we tried, then sides with Trump. Bill Clinton was hit by a stray bullet and pronounced dead at the scene. Even the colleges are cleansed. So, it all starts off with eurusd forecast forexpros bang, and the attempt to make America great again initially suffers only a few casualties.

You almost got it right. The USA is not just a country, it is a multicultural nation E Pluribus Unum that attracts dreamers and entrepreneurs. May it always be so. Alex Steffen points out that much if not most of the current theoretical value of fossil-fuel securities will never be realized — the carbon bubble. Worth a read in any case. Mars is getting hotter in perfect unison with Earth — I say that as a specialist on horns and hooves.

The United States is a place not worth caring about. There is no there there. It has become meaningless, faceless, and, homogenized. A country that broker stock universal studios orlando a priority on material wealth over cultural, historical, traditional, and familial wealth has finalized realized what a poor place it is.

Americans are only now realizing how awful it is, and keeping in tune with cultural depravity, they merely take to websites to bitch and moan. And you damn those who try to repair the dams — thus showing your malice. Using the Truth to promote Evil is the epitome of the latter.

But dammed it was, the Colorado River that is. Some degenerate cultures worshiped mongoloid children as somehow close to the gods. The Liberal worship of John Lewis is of a like nature. The guy is a retard, race hustler, and party hack. And how many skull fractures have you endured standing up for your binary stanley kroll futures broker strategy no minimum deposit I know it would me…….

Calling the President illegitimate? Janos — the question you responded to was directed to tucsonspur. He binary options from the issues literate enough to reply to it without assistance. The question directed to you was ignored. So can I then conclude the answer is zero?

Ano ang tawag sa stock market should I get my skull fractured just to please you?

Many Whites have been injured fighting for White rights. Do you care about them? It may have been Mungo Park, or one of those other European explorers who noted that an African kings court had many dwarfs, albinos and people with birth defects. So they considered the freaks closer to the Gods due to their connection from having left something behind in that world.

After all, albinos are treated with utter brutality yet their flesh is still considered sacred for magical medicine. We still have an ethos — a new mutant one: Everyone else is better than us. And we have to become nothing so it can be proven they are better than us.

Blacks, being the most alien, are usually the most holy. But each White PC sucker has the right to choose his or her superior group. Some fasten on American Indians. Some like East Asian women and devote their lives to East Asians. To answer your previous question: Elrond is a perfect example. There can be no good end to this process, only chaos, madness, war, and death as normal Whites make a desperate attempt to save themselves against these Maniacs.

How many Obama officials went to prison? How many were indicted? You want corruption, scandal, and illegal behavior, look to Reagan. The presidency of Ronald Reagan was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over administration officials, the largest number for any U. Which means we are not homogenized. Sorry you no longer feel part of it.

We are reduced to economic units by you socialist assholes, unworthy of consideration as human beings with goals, lives, and needs, the need to have a purpose in life chief among them.

Evil is preserved in social change. The value of the variable often stays the same as well. The variable merely changes identity, x becoming y. Or more precisely, X1 becomes X2, the X or prejudice remaining the same. There is a view that the emergence of a new civilization can only come about in an environment that bridges the divide between east and west.

Only then can there be that cross-fertilization of ideas from which culture is reborn, and a new civilization emerges into being. Russia has long seen itself as a place where east meets west. Today many Russians are of the view that they are coming out of a post Christian society, while the west is entering one. According to this view the first Rome had lapsed into a state of heresy and schism infollowing its unilateral adoption of the Filioque Clause.

Sir Steven Runciman wrote: Tell them about the Cossacks, Defenders of Orthodoxy and how they chastised the Jews of Ukraine who were oppressing the People. To the Secret Service: Then I would kick back, have a nice pee into my Hilliary and Bill urinal, then spend the weeks ahead figuring out how to signal to them, and signaling to them, the active duty servicemen and women, my intentions for them when they come back home to their families, and this time there will be no long term occupation, or even short term occupation of America by them.

How about a nice pension for all active duty personnel? What would that look like? Then I would start pealing off some Bernie supporters by meeting publicly with Jill Stein maybee?

Or just meet daughter first? I agree with Dr. I think a HSA inclusion in ACA is a great idea. It gives people another option.

The HSA is great for healthy single people without dependents, or younger people without many health needs. Nobody can do that to you. You have to do it to yourself.

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. That is your job. All government does is help you out by reminding you that you are created equal with certain inalienable rights, among those life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. New Project Veritas video. The Left plans terrorism against the Trump innaguration. This group met at Comet Pizza of all places.

I used to work in transportation. A bus line can only make a profit if it is standing room only for every run. Very few bus lines are this busy, thus buses run at a loss. Necessary, but not a money maker. Medicine is the same way.

Trying to make this sacred Art and Vocation into just another business is utter corruption. There you go again Janos. Confusing needs and wants with rights. You see nobody owes you a bus or a stent. You have no right to either, and a public service is just a euphemism for something owed, something deserved; a right. I have a feeling that if the only thing standing between your health, your life, is my services… well one of us has profit potential.

Yes, as a Jew you seek pillage America, Libertarianism being a Jewish philosophy for non-Jews. No non Jew has rights in your book. Janos is absolutely correct in my opinion. Practically speaking, everything in this society is subsidized, from the food you eat through farm programs, price supports and such to the building of roads, bridges, railways etc.

Profit potential my ass. Thats whats wrong with the whole goddamned system. Libraries are not a right. You bought into the program, society, then cheer for its crumbling, and when that day comes you cower. The destroyer of Civilization. He would make you pay a toll on every road you walk on. In other words, a complete repudiation of civil society even as Maggie Thatcher opined.

These are the same roads that all the cars are rolling on as well. Sounds like feudalism to me. In a world without subsidies, it would be a lot harder to get around. So maybe it depends on the particular subsidy. You pay for the bus. Not as much, but you pay. When your body breaks down you can pay for the repairs. Otherwise, you take plan B.

Most Americans take plan B. You will get your wish soon enough. Roads will be taxed by odometer readings and miles travelled on them. Electric-Autonomous vehicles will be circling and respond to your smartphone app request. Even then you give it to the DMV so it can be tagged. They give you a little sticker that says For Official Use Only.

All vehicles are commercial, since they have no authority to disallow private locomotion. Just testing if this comment will go through or not. If you want news about Jews, here is a good source: Its gonna be big, and CNN will be on site to cover every facet. It is not about hating Donald Trump.

It is about democracy and about unifying our communities to create change from the grassroots level up. There is strength in unity. The march is FOR unity. The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us — immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault — and our communities are hurting and scared.

We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear. In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore.

We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us. We support the advocacy and resistance movements that reflect our multiple and intersecting identities. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us.

This march is the first step towards unifying our communities, grounded in new relationships, to create change from the grassroots level up. We will not rest until women have parity and equity at all levels of leadership in society. We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for all.

Sore feet, so what? Its the least you can do. There is apparently no end to the length this acronym will eventually grow.

Let me suggest the following next and hopefully last iteration:. The subsequent expansion of the rationale for the march that you, janet, have spelled out for us once you received your data dump and marching orders from Headquarters on January 12th resembles the nailing together of a party platform to address every conceivable issue and gives room for future female political wannabees to break out of what will soon be a crowded pack. The Republican Party started it with its war on women.

Trump started it with women with his sexual assault and insults. The March will not just be in Washington. It will be nationwide. We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families — recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.

Nothing to do with hating Trump. Just putting things right… and affirming our rights. Yes, Feminism is based on hatred of femininity and envy of the masculine. Lindsay Lohan has chosen the better part, but strangely and unwisely. One dude I read about, wanting to walk the walk and not just talk the talk, and in sympathy with his wife, is not only marching but will march wearing high heels.

His wife is so proud of him. Still, there will probably be some goodlooking babes in the crowd. It might bear watching, if for nothing else the entertainment value. Eddie Long, megachurch pastor embroiled in scandal, dies … … just east of Atlanta. Two of the men had accused Long of grooming them … Eddie Long: New Birth Missionary Pastor Dead. Yes, for most of my life, in fact, starting around age 13 or 14 in a fire house in West Collingswood, NJ. Hence, the handle I go by.

Billiards is a much different game that uses a table usually larger than a pool table that has no pockets and only 3 balls, two white and one red. But getting back to the game of pool and the chaos of the breaking of the rack of 15 balls with Trump as the white cue ball….

And so it is true, when Trump breaks the balls on Friday we have no idea where they will wind up. I too grew up in a pool hall. Snooker is my favorite game. The analogy of the Trump break is apt. If Snooker is your favorite game I will assume you are Canadian although you will occasionally find a Snooker table in the US in states close to the Canadian border, like Minnesota.

Not to be nosey Q, but let me chime in. First green and then red felt. I believe it was originally a billiard table. The pockets were reworked leather and super tight. Bank shots were a bitch. I think perhaps I sank the 8 ball on maybe a handfull of times on the break. We played 8 ball exclusively. We were always interrupted during the games. So no grand runs on the table.

They want to make the Boss proud. As Vulture reports, the band faced harsh criticism after booking the inauguration, but that was not the determining factor in their decision to bail.

Canadians were doing really well in comedy in the U. It sounds absolutely terrific, like the best health plan ever! Or they could mean that, in reaction to public anxiety and recent protests over the possibility of more than 20 million people losing insurance, Trump is already misleading people about what he and his Republicans are planning to do. Tucson, I believe that Gertrude was famous for writing the pithy remark…Dorothy was famous for uttering it….

Next month will mark 11 years since I retired. The first project I undertook as a retiree was to build my own coffin. When you flip the lid back you see a simulated pool table with green felt the genuine expensive stufftwo balls numbers 3 and 7a cube of tip chalk and a pool cue. Maybe those three Black Women really did get us to the Moon.

This girl can be your Moon someday when she just gains a bit more weight. Up for DNC chair. She needs to grow her hair and out and quit being so dykey. No wonder Black men turn towards White Women when Black women act like this. And as far as I can recall, Janos has been the only one to ask the big, significant question: Liberals are always projecting themselves onto minorities — as if NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of People.

Blacks are interested in Blacks — period. They fired Rachael Dolezeal after she turned out to be the wrong color. They know who they are and what they want. Why is it so hard for Whites? Black ally with other minority groups of course. That may be a mistake as the pie is not infinite nor is White strength and numbers. Some Blacks are starting to realize the Hispanics are enemies, but most still toe the Democrat Party line. And yes, White Politicians have to be anti-White now to pass the litmus test.

Trump is helping the boycott, helping with all the cancellations of celebrities, music groups, performers, and representatives.

Janet… your, and their angst is but a balm to my soul…your tears comfort me, your actions delight and amuse…I look forward to each and every one of your fear-ridden posts to brighten my day. Janos, is it a sin to revel in the fear and loathing of others? How can it be so wrong, if it feels so good? The Principle of Pleasure is not wrong! Abe Lincoln walked back to where he saw a beetle struggling to right itself and helped the poor little beastie.

His companion was amazed but Lincoln said he did it for himself not the beetle. The Devil God of the Old Testament wanted to create denial — for in that lies power. Others react against such restrictions and indulge themselves unto death as in Cities of the Plains.

But the original mistake remains. Eating too much is pain not pleasure. But one must focus on the whole body and not just the tongue. Then one can catch themselves in the process of going wrong. Otherwise, one rues only after the fact. Trump was a New York liberal Democrat and friend of Hillary before he became a Republican. He may still be a Democrat at heart. First he says he has a plan for universal health care.

Then he says he wants to spend a lot of government money on infrastructure. Then he backs off on the wall and immigration. Veto it, if it passes the Republican Congress. Trump is turning out to be a pretty good liberal president.

Even Richard Spencer and the white supremacists are abandoning Trump for his going back on immigration and the wall. White nationalists already losing faith in President-elect By Sara Ganim and Chris Welch, CNN Updated 3: What Russia needs from the US? The same as the United States from Russia: Exactly this problem is a common and important thing for both Putin and Trump — to do away with the legacy of the World Party of War.

The world must be diverted from the brink of World War III. There is plenty of work here. And it is possible only by joint efforts: New World Order or Digital Fascism. Therefore, the best option, especially for Trump to be able tackle the political and economic issues at home, is not to go to the zero-sum game in the form of exchanges and trade, but to agree globally, including the restoration of Russian influence in the former Soviet zone without the Baltics.

Many ask themselves logical question and say — and what Trump will receive from this global agreement? Trump lost Putin all the achievements of the West, which it received in the wake of the Soviet collapse, to inflate the personal conflict between the leaders and to deny Trump internal support. But it only means that Trump will have to give his constituents a different truth:.

That now American guys do not have to die in the middle of nowhere, unclear for whose commercial interests. That economic cooperation with Russia promises such a powerful infrastructure and economic projects, which the world did not know. That global stability is much better than World War. Stopping geopolitical midgets of all colors to play off the most powerful countries in the world against each other, but together with Russia to collect tribute from subordinate territories.

Anonymous has now come out and threatened Trump with new revelations about his business dealings and associations with Russian mobsters. Things are rarely black and white so we cannot assume that everyone at war with Trump has deep state connections. But I have always wondered who was behind Anonymous and why no one has taken them down.

The Pool analogy is not apt or excellent as Dumb Fuck up above asserts. Trump is a symptom. The disease is Syphilis. America has Syphilis and Trump is just the latest manifestation of it — the part where it damages your internal organs, most especially the brain.

Traveling during the Holidays was ridiculous. The number of trucks on the road, let alone cars, is outrageous, many of them carrying unessential shit. There is a reckoning coming. There has to be. This cannot continue unabated. Shtik live to see it? If he does, will he still have the mental capacity to recognize it? The American Intelligence Services agree, and so does Putin. Will Trump survive the first 60 days of his presidency, let alone the inauguration? The blowback might hurt them worse than Trump.

No, TPTB will employ the longer, but safer game. Of course, who really knows the future? Maybe the space aliens will finally land and take over. People laughed at him, made fun of him, refused to take him as seriously as he took himself….

I think it was Rhonda Roussy who said: Just my opinion but I sense that the anti-Trumpers have way overplayed their hand. They sense the disloyal opposition does not have love in their hearts.

So far the deep state has allowed the internet to continue unimpeded. If indeed they arrange for some heart trouble for Mr. Trump expect simultaneous significant Russian cyberattacks.

America is not a country, and not the economy, not even capitalism, especially the state. America is the relationship between people, and I managed to see America, which apparently Trump is referring to when he says that he wants to make it great again. He lived in it for far too long and did not notice or did not believe his eyes when he saw how she disappeared.

And I noticed it because I have seen the great America for about six months, and then she went down into the ocean as Atlantis in front of my eyes. Is it true you can get a discount if you buy tickets to the inauguration and the impeachment at the same time?

Either way be careful what you wish for. It will just happen as control is lost. The hundreds of different fuses attached to different motives are lit. In the past, it was very rare for somebody to do that. Today, in this past campaign, people were willing to do it. War is a racket. Of the last 4 Presidents, Bush 1 was the best.

USA had him for 4 years and less wars. I would have to root canal my ear. I had a run in with a Trump supporter yesterday, and he came out with the same old tired bullshit you can hear every day.

Most of what he thought came from listening to Rush Limbaugh, but all he could do was parrot what he heard. Trump was voted in by the same type of people, but the sad fact was that the dummies prevailed. You know, the same ones who elected GWBush for two terms.

Unfortunately, I live in the same country as these morons, so I will suffer the same repercussions as everyone else. All I can do is prepare for the results of this as best as I can. The way that I envision things now, is like a giant asteroid headed for the earth. I am Captain Spaulding. I see that further dialogue with you is a waste of time. You are too wrapped up in your own belief systems to consider another point of view.

Further conversation with you would be a waste of pixels. Trump is like Father Coughlin and…? That makes him wrong? You think that is a valid argument? And look where it got us. Obviously America should come first. How did we ever forget something so very basic? Trump is like Rush is like Coughlin: So, what will happen?

It seems that after the global policing and wasting resources America will concentrate. As a result of the implementation of the Trump economic program, the production returns to America. As promised, Trump eliminates all restrictions on the extraction of oil in the USA. The economy is growing. Reduced foreign, including military, spending. US capital shifts assets from the economy of financial bubbles into manufacturing and research and development.

The scientific potential and virtually unlimited financial capabilities allow the switch to the new technological order, which can lead to a huge leap forward compared to the level of technological development in other countries. Upgraded army equipped with modern weapons and means of delivery, will be able to monitor any area of the world without the constant ubiquitous presence.

Then, probably, in the middle of the second term in office, will come the turn of solving the problem of public debt, which will increase by that time.

Using what technique we can now only guess, but the fact that the debt problem will be resolved, Trump said openly and frankly. This is not necessarily the default, variants are possible, for example, to pay the entire debt with printed dollars, causing the dollar devaluation and re-denomination of the dollar with the favorable exchange for the citizens of the United States, or purchase, for printed dollars, the national currency and assets of foreign countries in the amount of debt, elimination of debt through emission and reverse repurchase of dollars in exchange for previously acquired assets and national currencies, and so on, a lot of options.

At the same time, the whole world could be plunged into chaos even without a third world war, and America will remain under the protection of the most powerful army, enclosed by two oceans from the raging crowds of migrants, and has all necessary production on its own territory.

This posture comes across as quite congruent to the posture that has allowed us to accept the crap that got us to this sorry state of affairs in the country. So Trump has a bad hair-do. That he speaks his mind directly and in the vernacular and as such this is insufficiently erudite for your sensitive nature? Trump is clearly an adult who expects to treat the electorate as adults in a style to which he is accustomed.

He is the President-elect. That is his prerogative. Why is this so hard to accept? Or is that too logical? For five years Trump beat the drum of birtherism, lying through his teeth, until he finally admitted it was all a lie. Trump is anti-working man, a billionaire with no empathy, no military service, no government service, no clear policy… he is pro-Trump, not pro-nation.

As were the Clintons, unless of course, you you being WPA Asoka Absalom troll bot believe public service is the Clinton Machine swindling hundreds of millions THROUGH public service pretending to care about anyone other than themselves. Status quo and establishment are eroding. All the corruption and evil in DC has brought us to a point of division and collapse. The pendulum is about to swing towards the private sector: Many people are viewing the world through the same provincial 19th century lens.

Absent any kinship or blood and cultural ties, they expect people to care about them on account of sharing the same national residence? Nobody that matters cares what an American wants, they care what their cohort, wealthy, intelligent, well bred creators and doers want. This is what happens without cultural and ethnic bonds, you find other ones. Making each other safe via wealth seems fairly logical…. So you agree with me, basically. The Ethnostate is the real State.

We only disagree historically: They choose class, education, wealth, political party, hobbies, religion… anything to join a group. The deepest tribe is blood. Family and kinship are visceral, hard-wired. Countrymen bound by blood and hereditary follow, then language. People want to believe they are above this, they complain to their similarly educated friends who belong to similar political parties and live in similar neighborhoods reading similar periodicals about these barbarian tribes.

The Japanese are ready to commit suicide to restore their honor, but on an individual basis, rather than on the National level. And it is good if Russia used Sakharov solutionwhich Japan, as the only country that has become a victim of the atomic bombing, knows everything about.

Anti-Israel UN resolution and the criminal case against Netanyahu ala Katsav case, was revenge by Hillary for the fact that Israel has refused to take part in her adventures in the Greater Middle East. At the same time it is the payment of compensation for severe retinal damage of Russian Ambassador to Qatar Vladimir Titorenko in And the fact that the Rothschild took over the role of mediator in this case says that most likely they are also the intermediary in the payment of compensation for the killing of the Russian ambassador in Ankara Andrei Karlov.

Finc, your comments are always verbose, convoluted, arcane, and essentially meaningless to me as if they were transmissions from a small planet in a distant galaxy. Q, for spraying my posts along with arithmetic with bits of algebra, differential calculus, and even Riemann geometry. My primary field of study was differential games, so sometimes I get overly excited.

Itinerants united and homogenized by chain retail. Maybe somebody knows Trump is going to crash the economy. Every day we get closer to the inauguration the market goes down more. All three went down today:. It changes it name quite frequently account of being wrong quite frequently and for serving no other purpose than to post propaganda and contrarian viewpoints merely to provoke. As if your quaint, antique, 19th century cardboard digs at institutions older than your pet 19th century theories pulled out of some 19th century ass are worth reading twice sweetheart.

From audio engineering back in the day before LED meters. The needle stays locked in the red zone indicating signal overload. Global warming and other green causes — Like with the Latifundia of Italy 2, years ago, or the Highland clearances of years ago, less than half as much land is under cultivation as was a hundred years ago. So the little people are better off?

Recently someone here claimed that they had been Carol. Was it Cold who posted that, a few week ago? Janos was Vlad Krandz at the time. But, to my astonishment, Trump was being discussed even then. Check out this 5. They think that illegals should be allowed to vote — just ask them. There is NO limit to the insanity. Accept your part in the downfall. Liberalism was too soft, too blase about human evil, except for the socially acceptable hate against White Males.

Life was never as generous as Liberals made it out to be. And as for supporting other groups before our own, that goes beyond mere illusion — it was evil and insane. Due to an emergency situation Clintonoids attempt at sedition Trump has sworn on the Constitution and signed inaugural papers. One of the reasons was the poisoning of key Trump operative with polonium, the same polonium that Litvinenko was poisoned with. I was poisoned with, they now say, a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium.

This made me exceedingly ill. The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill. Crap, the guy has an average I. As compared to JFK who had an I. Way to call it out! Yes, there is a deep state and getting deeper by the second it seems. How about that nepotism up there. Go ahead America build that wall. Sounds like an American thing to do!

As I had wrote previously, Rachel Maddow has some very interesting info. My fellow citizens, not a time to not be paying attention. Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. Want more of everything ready-made. Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head.

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